6:08 PM

Defining the Problem

Worldwide poverty levels are increasing. Conflicts are increasing. Conflicts are feeding into investment on security. This is again perpetuating the conflict. Meanwhile the social development agenda is lagging behind. Lot more money than required is being spent on defense which is not necessary. There are examples of countries which dont have any defense force and still doing well.

In the case of country like india we have more budget for defense than social development. The investment on Defense is not giving the required results and is corruption prone because of its opaqueness. The cost-benefit analysis of the investment on Defense is not being measured as we do for all development projects.

War situation is perpetuating the insecurity and damaging the social fabric of the region/country. Release of funds earmarked for defense to social development will lead to more development and engagement.

What do you think?

Your thoughts will help define the problem more precisely which we can adopt as our vision statement. We are soon building a website around this concept. Sharing your thoughts on this forum, (positive and/or critiques) will shape the content of the website. In addition, your opinion may also get featured in the website.

So, lets discuss. Over to you.


G M Sastry said...

Very useful website!

http://www.ips.org/institutional/putting-life-on-the-front-page-ips-launches-biodiversity-reporting-guidelines/EditIPS - Inter Press Service News Agency » Blog Archive » Putting life on the front page - IPS launches

G M Sastry said...

http://www.betterworldlinks.org/index.php?cat=2489EditNPT - Nuclear NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY ! - Better World LinksInformations and links on NPT - Nuclear NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY !

G M Sastry said...

Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society

The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Senior International Fellows Program 2010

Are you a Third-Sector professional? Do you

Ø need time away to explore new strategies?

Ø want to increase the sector's impact in your country or region?

Ø seek networking opportunities with colleagues in the field globally?

Ø aim to strengthen community philanthropy?

If you've answered yes

to any of the above, consider applying to the

Senior International Fellows Program.

(October 18 - November 12, 2010)

This is a professional development opportunity for Third-Sector senior practitioners to support community philanthropy and help build capacity in their home countries.

Ø Participate in a month-long seminar, including lectures and intensive sessions with seasoned practitioners.

Ø Visit community foundations and philanthropic organizations to learn about their day-to-day workings.

Ø Meet prominent figures in the nonprofit field.

Ø Join a network of over 145 alumni from 54 countries.

Ø Expand your national and international networks;

Ø Produce a position paper to further your work.

Applications accepted through July 7, 2010.

Interested and want to learn more? Visit

www.philanthropy.org .


Amal A. Muhammad | Program Associate

Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society | The Graduate Center | The City University of New York

365 Fifth Avenue | Suite 5401 | New York, NY 10016

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

See http://www.istr.org/ for information. To unsubscribe by email send one line: unsubscribe ISTR-L to: listserv@yorku.ca

G M Sastry said...

The Peace and Justice Calendar
Table of Contents (details follow):
PPJC-Sponsored Events Tuesday 01-Jun - No Nukes? A Special Report from the United Nations Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Conference
Other Groups' EventsFriday 28-May - Free Friday Night Film: Food and the Environment
Friday 04-Jun - Food and the Environment: Friday Night Films
Saturday 05-Jun - Crude: The Real Price of Oil. Film and discussion
Sunday 06-Jun - Observations on the Bumpy Road of Life

No Nukes? A Special Report from the United Nations Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Conference

Tuesday, June 01 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Community Media Center
900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto
A conversation with
Jackie Cabasso
The 2010 Review Conference has an enormous agenda to consider: the universality of the Treaty; nuclear disarmament including specific practical measures; nuclear non-proliferation, including the promoting and strengthening of safeguards; measures to advance the peaceful use of nuclear energy, safety and security; regional disarmament and non-proliferation; implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East; measures to address withdrawal from the Treaty; measures to further strengthen the review process; and ways to promote engagement with civil society in strengthening NPT norms and in promoting disarmament education.
Event URL: http://peaceandjustice.org/article.php?story=Forum_June_2010_No_Nukes

Other Groups' Event Details

Free Friday Night Film: Food and the Environment
Friday, May 28 2010 @ 07:30 PM
World Centric
2121 Staunton (Behind JJ&F Market), Palo Alto
2 Angry Moms --Two Angry Moms --
Event URL: http://transitionpaloalto.org/2010/05/03/friday-night-film-series-food/

Food and the Environment: Friday Night Films
Friday, June 04 2010 @ 07:30 PM
World Centric
Event URL: http://transitionpaloalto.org/2010/05/03/friday-night-film-series-food/

Crude: The Real Price of Oil. Film and discussion
Saturday, June 05 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre, Fremont
Discussion will be led by a representative of Amazon Watch and Rainforest Action Network.
Admission free.
This event is sponsored by Tri-City Documentary Series
Event URL: http://www.TriCityPerspectives.org

Observations on the Bumpy Road of Life
Sunday, June 06 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Palo Alto High School - Student Center
50 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto
Don Havis will give a talk based on his 60 years as a Humanist and activist. Havis will discuss his essays, read some of his poems, short stories and favorite "words of wisdom" in a program that promises to be both humorous and profound.
This event is sponsored by Humanist Community in Silicon Valley
Event URL: http://www.humanists.org

G M Sastry said...

Water and Climate Coalition launches Statement for Bonn Climate Talks; ‘Water Day’ to take place on 2nd June in Bonn

Water and Climate Coalition Statement

The newly-formed Water and Climate Coalition (www.waterclimatecoalition.org) has launched a statement on water and climate change for the Climate Change negotiations taking place from 1st – 11th June in Bonn. To read the statement click here
The statement is endorsed by all coalition members as well as supporting organizations, including: WWF, Global Water Partnership, Freshwater Action Network, Progressio, IUCN, Chartered Institute for Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), UNC Water Institute, Cooperative Programme on Water and Climate.

The Water and Climate Coalition builds on the previous work of the Global Public Policy Network on Water Management (GPPN).

The Coalition will officially launch at a side event at the Bonn Climate Change Talks on 3rd June from 18.00 – 19.30 in Room Wind. More information is available here.
Water Day, 2nd June, Bonn

The Water and Climate Coalition in association with UN Water and the Global Water Partnership is hosting a Water Day on 2nd June alongside the climate change negotiations in Bonn.

The day will include presentations and discussion on water and climate change adaptation, mitigation and finance.

For more information please click here.
Contact and Information

For more information on the Water and Climate Coalition please email Hannah Stoddart on hstoddart@stakeholderforum.org and Karin Lexen on Karin.lexen@siwi.org

Hannah StoddartPolicy Coordinator

Stakeholder Forum for a sustainable future3 Bloomsbury Place, London WC1A 2QL
Tel: + 44 (0) 207 580 6912
Cell: +44 (0)7866 660510Skype: : hannah.stoddart
www.stakeholderforum.org Check out the latest news on the 2012 Earth Summit here: http://www.earthsummit2012.org

Stakeholder Forum's latest publication, Climate and Energy Insecurity, is available at http://www.stakeholderforum.org

G M Sastry said...

Economist special report on water:


G M Sastry said...

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing on behalf of the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) to ask you to save the dates of June 14-16, 2010 to attend the launch of the Water Roundtable in Brussels, Belgium.

As you may know, the Alliance for Water Stewardship has been working diligently to craft a water roundtable process that will lead to the development and implementation of credible global water stewardship standards. Our intent is to develop consensus driven, performance-based standards that are anchored in science and have a strong influence in the market place.

Now it’s time for the AWS to roll out its hard thinking for constructive critique and engagement.

To this end, the AWS — in conjunction with the European Water Partnership — is excited to be hosting the Water Roundtable launch meeting. We hope you can join us as our journey begins.

At the launch meeting, we will:

Present the proposed Water Roundtable Process Design -- its evolution, and overarching objectives;
Build consensus on key global water-use impacts;
Share, critique, and refine the draft business case for global water stewardship standards development;
Discuss and improve the stakeholder engagement roadmap, as well as initial framework for draft standards agreement building;
Identify stakeholders who wish to join the roundtable initiative moving forward and define our immediate next steps.
We encourage you to save this important date. A formal invitation with more information and materials will follow shortly. If you have initial questions, please email Nicole Tanner (WWF-US) at nicole.tanner@wwfus.org.

Warm regards, and hope to see you in Brussels.

The AWS Team

G M Sastry said...

A recent study by scientists at the Institute of Social Ecology in Austria and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany (Eating the Planet: Feeding and fuelling the world sustainably, fairly and humanely – a scoping study, commissioned by Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth)http://www.ciwf.org.uk/includes/documents/cm_docs/2009/e/eating_the_planet_full_report_nov_2009.pdf

G M Sastry said...

The big fat lie about food production:

G M Sastry said...

Pilot Workshop: Vulnerability to Climate Change: Mumbai-Thane Coast

Saturday, 29th May, St. Pius College Campus, Goregaon, Mumbai

10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Dear Friends,
You can watch a live videostream of this workshop on


G M Sastry said...

Steve Cockburn thinks this might be one of his favourite videos of all time, thank you Tim Gee. Hilarious bunny love. Democracy village urging for peace all over! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBi_SvDX3XM

G M Sastry said...

Climate change summit:


G M Sastry said...

http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/newsletter/archive/?issue=issue019EditThe Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is an international financing institution that invests the world’s money to save lives. To date, it has committed US$ 16 billion in 140 countrie...

G M Sastry said...

http://www.transparency.org/news_room/corruption_news)Editcorruption news/news roomTransparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.

G M Sastry said...

http://www.devex.com/articlesEditInternational Development - News & Analysis News about international development, development business, foreign aid, international relief, and global development. Written and edited by our global team of international development reporters and...

G M Sastry said...

The title is interesting and may be worth reading as Noam Chomsky is a radical thinker as well as writer! Take a risk!!

G M Sastry said...

Coalition for Justice in the Middle East: CJMEWelcome to the Coalition for Justice in the Middle East Recipient of the 2006 Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement!


G M Sastry said...

Behind the Lines: Poetry, War, & Peacemaking
Further thoughts on the cultural labor of poetry and art. Not "is it good?," but "what has it accomplished?"...

http://behindthelinespoetry.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.htmlEditBehind the Lines: Poetry, War, & Peacemaking: August 2009

G M Sastry said...

Why World War IV can't sell?
http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0330-32.htmEditWhy World War IV Can't Sell

G M Sastry said...

Humanist Manifesto2 - denouncing war as obsolete:

THIRTEENTH: This world community must renounce the resort to violence and force as a method of solving international disputes. We believe in the peaceful adjudication of differences by international courts and by the development of the arts of negotiation and compromise. War is obsolete. So is the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. It is a planetary imperative to reduce the level of military expenditures and turn these savings to peaceful and people-oriented uses.

http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/humanist_manifestos.htmlEditHumanist Manifestos

G M Sastry said...

Please go through carefully!

http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/treaties/CAC/index.htmlEditConvention against CorruptionUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Web Site

G M Sastry said...

http://www.sanjosepeace.org/article.php/20100504094251703EditSan Jose Peace and Justice Center - Tell Condi: Torturers Not Welcome in SJ

G M Sastry said...

Nuclear age peace initiative at Stanford:


G M Sastry said...

Peace offensive

G M Sastry said...

Global Connect
Join Our Global Community... Cause We All Can Make A Difference!

G M Sastry said...

World Bank and Conflict:

G M Sastry said...

http://news.in.msn.com/internalsecurity/news/article.aspx?cp-documentid=3899234EditNew face of terror: radicalised in US, trained in Pakistan - 1 - 2010: Defence & Internal Security Special on MSN IndiaWashington: Almost nine years after the Sep 11 2001 terror attacks, a worrying number of American citizens and longtime US residents are becoming radical.

G M Sastry said...


http://www.civilsocietyonline.com/EditCivil Society, May 2010 Edition

G M Sastry said...

Home - AidDarfur.orgsupports the UN Refugee Agency's (UNHCR) life saving work with Darfur's refugees. Learn more...


G M Sastry said...

Fudging of Kargil records:


G M Sastry said...

RemoveMruthyunjaya Sastry Gabbita http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=3943762DRDO fires `swadeshi missile' at armed forces
New Delhi: The head of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India’s premier defence research organisation, said that responsibility

G M Sastry said...

A rough translation of a revolutionary poet's (Who is no more)saying: What's proud of any country's history? The entire human history is full of slavery (oppression by others)!

G M Sastry said...

There is no change in the American Defense Policy as of now. They seem be going ahead with their regular war activity!
http://www.defense.gov/releases/Defense.gov News: News Releases

G M Sastry said...

Obama seems to be planning more war as per 8May report. Is he following Bhagawadgita? Very dangerous. Ask him to read www.waratwhatcost.com:


G M Sastry said...

http://www.hrw.org/newsletter?tr=y&auid=6383330Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide

G M Sastry said...

RemoveMruthyunjaya Sastry Gabbita http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=3930668International Development - News & Analysis
News about international development, development business, foreign aid, international relief, and global development. Written and edited by our global team of international development reporters and editors.

G M Sastry said...

The title is interesting and may be worth reading as Noam Chomsky is a radical thinker as well as writer! Take a risk!!New World of Indigenous Resistance, Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South, and Central America
New World of Indigenous Resistance. Interviews with Chomsky accompanied by commentaries by indigenous organizers on globalization and resistance in the Americas.

G M Sastry said...

RemoveMruthyunjaya Sastry Gabbita http://ent.groundspring.org/EmailNow/pub.php?module=URLTracker&cmd=track&j=320552106&u=3605576Defusing the Nuclear Threat
Click on the image above to download a flyer (340 kB PDF) that lists the events in our free, public lecture series at Stanford University. A more detailed description of the series is also available, as is a map showing location and parking.

G M Sastry said...

Behind the Lines: Poetry, War, & Peacemaking
Further thoughts on the cultural labor of poetry and art. Not "is it good?," but "what has it accomplished?"...http://behindthelinespoetry.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html

G M Sastry said...

Display of their ammunition and power by Russia and it allies. Is it necessary- Is the thrird world war in the offing?http://news.in.msn.com/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=3897533Russia's show of power on Victory Day
Russia celebrated its 65th anniversary of victory over Nazi troops in 1945, in Moscow on May 9, 2010. For the first time, the wartime allies of the So

G M Sastry said...

Global Reporting Initiative
http://www.amsterdamgriconference.org/index.php?id=32Amsterdam GRI Conference
The Amsterdam conference will convene a debate on how reporting can be used to help build a better future. Thought leaders from business, finance, government and civil society will debate the political, strategic and practical choices confronting us.

G M Sastry said...

America's war diseaseAmerica’s War Disease - Bill Boyarsky's Columns - Truthdig
The Afghanistan war, along with Iraq, has become a chronic illness that America has learned to ignore. News of the sick economy, natural and human-made disasters, along with momentary sensations flash across the cable news screens and the Internet, leaving hardly any space for the war. - 2010/05/07

G M Sastry said...

Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America

http://www.truthdig.com/dig/item/200601003_white_supremacism_sexism_militarism/Truthdig - Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America
Stan Goff is a retired veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces. During an active-duty career that spanned 1970 to 1996, he served with the elite Delta Force and Rangers, and in Vietnam, Guatemala, Grenada, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, Somalia and Haiti.

G M Sastry said...

Defense- Long term contributions in USA:

G M Sastry said...

Strengthening transparency and reducing corruption risks in the ...Corruption in defence and security is a strategic issue ... Using Research: Improving Business Conduct Standards in Defence Ministries and Forceswww.defenceagainstcorruption.org/publications/all-publications/conferences/105-tunis...Publications - Tunis Workshop - Presentation M Pyman - Overview of Building Integrity in defence

G M Sastry said...

UK Defence Industry Anti-corruption Forum - ASDNews( United Kingdom, 12 June, 2006 ) The UK's leading defence companies and defence sector Trade Associations have joined forces to set up the UK Defence Industry Anti-Corruption Forum.www.asdnews.com/news/8215/UK_Defence_Industry_Anti-corruption_Forum.htmUK Defence Industry Anti-corruption Forum - ASDNews
( United Kingdom, 12 June, 2006 ) The UK's leading defence companies and defence sector Trade Associations have joined forces to set up the UK Defence Industry Anti-Corruption Forum. Representatives from 11 companies and two Trade Associations met on 18 May 2006 for the inaugural meeting of the Foru...

G M Sastry said...

Defence scams
http://news.rediff.com/report/2010/apr/20/the-next-big-indian-scam.htmIndia's next big defence scam...: Rediff.com India News

G M Sastry said...


G M Sastry said...

The defense game: an insider explores the astonishing realities of America's . http://books.google.co.in/books?id=fmS5AAAAIAAJ&q=Defense+scandals&dq=Defense+scandals&ei=SHTeS6-WEJaqkASSjritCA&cd=3

G M Sastry said...

The Corruption in Indian Defense and elsewhere:http://www.whatisindia.com/issues/gocorrup/index.html

G M Sastry said...

Corruption in Indian Defese system:http://www.snowcrest.net/sunrise/Medallas.htmE:\Program Files\SOFTQUAD\HoTMetaL PRO 6\gifs\Medallas.htm
A feisty, year-old Internet media company disguised its reporters as weapons dealers,gave them piles of cash and dispatched them to expose corruption in India's politicaland military establishment.

G M Sastry said...

RemoveMruthyunjaya Sastry Gabbita http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending#Spendingforpeacevsspendingforwar

G M Sastry said...

Corruption in Defence- Defence offsets: book can be downloaded
http://media.transparency.org/fbooks/reports/defence_offsets/Defence Offsets: Adressing the Risks of Corruptioin & Raising Transparency

G M Sastry said...

Analysis of FY2008 "Bridge" War Funding Supplemental (Attached to Omnibus Appropriations Bill S. 2764): Cost of Wars Now $700 Billion, Surpasses Vietnam War (December 20, 2007)


"The Three Trillion Dollar War: Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Economist Linda Bilmes on the True Cost of the US Invasion and Occupation of Iraq". Interview on Democracy Now. ... See More


G M Sastry said...

war, peace and the state
http://www.lewrockwell.com/stromberg/stromberg23.htmlWar, Peace, and the State by Joseph Stromberg
This essay lists essential historical readings on wars (and related matters) which have involved or affected the United States (plural), starting in 1776. The framework is a Rothbardian one, in which war

G M Sastry said...

Obama speaking on Wara and Peace@Oslo http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2009/12/10/war-and-peace-oslo

G M Sastry said...

War and peace
http://www.warpeace.org/War & Peace - Working to end militarism, war, and the causes of war...
The War & Peace Foundation's most urgent task is to bring about total nuclear disarmament in the United States and around the world; to phase out nuclear power and promote other forms of renewable energy ...

G M Sastry said...

Direct Action to stop the war:

G M Sastry said...

How to Stop a War by Monica Benderman http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0211-27.htm

G M Sastry said...

Stop the War Machine:
http://www.stopthewarmachine.org/STOP THE WAR MACHINE
SWM in Albuquerque, New Mexico is focused on educating people and finding solutions to the truth behind Pres. Eisenhower's statement about the danger of the military-industrial complex.

G M Sastry said...

Have initiated a blogspot on local newspapers. Since Naveen is quite busy I had to it on my own. This will be followed up by continuous postings.


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